Fresh Stem Cells
Stem cells can be ordered by either using our simple online ordering system (register by filling in the information at the bottom of this page).
Orders can be dispatched on any weekday, and delivery to you would be the following day – the cells will remain viable for a further 48 hours.
Prescriptions can be dispatched on any weekday, and delivery to you would be the following day (day after dispatch for metro areas) and the cells will remain viable for a further 48 hours.
Typically, we suggest that for instance for a Thursday treatment we would dispatch on the Tuesday and you would receive the dose(s)/cells on the Wednesday. The cells will remain viable if stored in a refrigerator overnight (e.g. on the Wed night.) While not recommended, the cells could also be administered on the Friday morning. However, if for instance you wanted to treat on the Friday, we would suggest that we should dispatch on the Wednesday.

Cryo Stem Cells
Alternatively, doses can be supplied in bulk for storage at your clinic in liquid nitrogen. The cells are then thawed on site – as required – prior to administration.
The advantage of this includes having the stem cells always on site and available for use whenever cells/doses are required – as opposed to waiting 1-2 days for delivery of fresh (refrigerated) cells. Doses can be simply thawed (3-5 minutes using a water bath) whenever they are required for use.
The cells are shipped in a dry vapour shipper for transfer into a liquid nitrogen dewar upon arrival at the clinic. Magellan organises the return of the dry vapour shipper.
Frozen stem cells can be ordered by using our online ordering system (register below and purchase online).
The pricing is based on bulk supply.
Please email or contact us if you would like to us to send you Pricing Information on the supply of Cryo Cells
Register To Order Magellan Stem Cells Online
Registering as a Veterinarian will enable you to purchase stem cells online with the just the click of a button. We also have specials and quantity discounts on selected products and registering will enable us to keep you informed. We look forward to servicing your clinic and aim to make your experience as hassle free as possible. If there is any way we can better service your clinic please advise either by phone or using the contact form here.